Monday, October 24, 2011

Ghost Feet

(that's a ghost sound)

We made ghost feet today! By we I mean my sister in law and I made ghost feet of her son, my daughters, and our niece. It's easy and adorable!

To start, gather white paint, a paintbrush, black paper (dark purple would probably look nice too) a plate for the paint, and accessories like a black or silver sharpie and/or googly eyes!Paint the child's feet and stamp them down on the paper with minimal wiggling. Wash the feet unless you want little white footprints all over the house!

Let the prints dry. Flip them over and glue on googly eyes or draw them on with a black sharpie. You can write the kid's name and the year on with the silver sharpie, too!

I haven't finished the ghost yet because I lost my googly eyes in the move :( And my silver sharpie. I will post a picture as soon as they're done! But here are the adorable footprints of a 9, 2, 1 year olds and a 2 month old!

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